Exploring the Street Cuisine of Trinidad and Tobago

Eating food on the street defies etiquette (but that's for another blog). It’s about taste, affordability, convenience and overall excitement.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Savannah Street food

Burgers at the Savannah
A good street-eating venue is around Savannah. Lots of tents, people walking, looking for their favourite food or snacks and some just soaking up the aroma and the energies. There is a wide variety of food and snacks -hamburgers, hot dogs, gyros, corn soup, bake and shark, doubles, fresh juices, pholourie, saheena, barbecue chicken, barbecue pigtail, and souse. 

While the concentration was on buying food for my boys who were rehearsing at Fatima for their concert called Gifts of Blue and Gold, my friend, Jennifer was talking about her blog and at the same time she gave me some pointers. In her blog, she writes about the Getting it Right. Getting it right does not mean that you are doing something wrong, as she had pointed out in her previous blog, but it also means that you have it right and people should know about it. Most of the Savannah vendors had many things right, the surroundings were clean and bins were readily available if you needed to discard used bottles and food containers.  Many women who were dealing and serving food had their heads covered with caps, hairnets and head ties but the men did not have anything on their heads, they need to get it right.
Nowhere in sight was a food badge, it was not worn on a person selling food, nor was it displayed in their tents. That needs to be rectified or made right but you can get all of that in Jennifer’s blog

It was really good to see a young lady handling the burger with gloves on, absolutely no contact with the food. The two women and one-man team handled themselves competently; you had your burger in 3 to 5 minutes. if you wanted pineapples in your burger (that seem to be a thing of the past), you will get pineapple sauce instead. According to the younger generation, “it lash” which meant that the burger tasted good or it hit the spot.

You should be very cognizant when eating out on the streets. While it is all well and good to buy food, you should be very observant of the necessary requirements that vendors should have to make your eating experience a good one and not one that will take you to the hospital.

I just want to say thank you to all who read my blogs, making this project a success. Thanks and God bless.